
Unlocking the Cell’s Secrets

A desire to understand how our cells work led Dr. Tanmay Lele to an exciting discovery that has the potential to unlock the mysteries of the formation of abnormal tissue structure associated with cancer. Tanmay Lele, Ph.D., the Charles A.… Read More

Vasenkov Selected for Prestigious Mercator Fellowship

Sergey Vasenkov, Ph.D.

Sergey Vasenkov, Ph.D., a professor in the UF Department of Chemical Engineering, has been awarded a Mercator Fellowship from the German Research Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The DFG is the leading independent research funding organization in Germany, with members from… Read More

Hagelin-Weaver Awarded NSF Grant to Improve Catalysts for Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Helena Hagelin-Weaver, Ph.D.

Helena Hagelin-Weaver, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering (ChE), is leading a three-year, $633,000 grant from the National Science Foundation titled: Rational Design of Atomically Precise Catalysts for Parahydrogen Enhanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy.… Read More

Three Faculty Named UF Term Professors

Three Department of Chemical Engineering Professors Named UF Term Professors

Department of Chemical Engineering Professors, Peng Jiang, Tanmay Lele, and Kirk Ziegler have been selected to receive the University of Florida Term Professorship award for 2019-2022.  These three-year professorships recognize excellence in teaching, research, and service to the department, college, and the University of… Read More

Lele Awarded NSF Understanding the Rules of Life Grant

Tanmay Lele, Ph.D.

Tanmay Lele, Ph.D., has been awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) Early-concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER). The $300K grant will be used to study Rules for cellular adaptation to the mechanical properties of their environment. Lele’s research is one of… Read More