
Alumni Spotlight: Hansel Montalvo

Until recently, Hansel Montalvo was a fourth-year Ph.D. student exploring reaction mechanisms and material catalysts to produce alkenes and aromatics. However, it’s networking that helped him get selected into two prestigious programs this summer and helped him determine his next… Read More

Student Spotlight: Victor Rivera-Lladres

ChemE Ph.D. student attends NextProf Nexus Conference and prevails at UF despite multiple challenges.  Victor Rivera-Llabres, a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Chemical Engineering, was nominated to be part of an elite group of scientific and academic leaders.… Read More

UF AIChE Student Chapter Hosts the Southern Student Regional Conference

Written by Flynn Baliton and Violet Warren The University of Florida American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) student chapter recently hosted the first fully in-person AIChE Southern Student Regional Conference (ASRC) since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Chemical engineering students throughout… Read More