Faculty and Staff Resources

Below you will find resources, forms, and departmental information for current faculty and staff. If you are looking for information or help that you cannot find on this page, contact ticket@che.ufl.edu for assistance.

Lab Resumption

Payroll & Time

Please visit http://hr.ufl.edu/ and review the Employee Handbook.

Purchasing & P-Cards

You can find information on purchasing rules and p-card policies at http://purchasing.ufl.edu/


Travel PCard Charges


  • Travel PCard Receipt Form should be submitted via email the same day as the transaction.
  • Submit a completed form and detailed receipt showing payment to Janice Harris via email at janicemh@ufl.edu


  • Travel Authorization Request Form (TA) should be submitted and approved at least 5 DAYS prior to travel.
  • Car Rentals – Make your reservations HERE. You can only use Enterprise or National, and must rent a compact or subcompact, under the department’s contract #43A3255.
  • Complimentary travel must also have a Travel Authorization Request Form (TA).

Steps to Follow:

  • Complete the TA. All forms NOT complete will be returned. (Submitting this will ensure that you are covered under worker’s compensation if you were injured while working).
  • Principal Investigator or Budget Authority signatures are REQUIRED on your TA (this can be via email or handwritten).
  • If you are a Professor who is scheduled to teach during travel, you must submit a Courses Affected by Travel form with your TA (this ensures your classes are covered. This can also be submitted via email)
  • Submit the TA and any supporting documentation to Janice Harris via email at janicemh@ufl.edu.
  • If you have any questions, the Travel Guide will answer most of them. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, email Janice Harris at janicemh@ufl.edu.

Foreign Travel:

  • The International Travel Acknowledgment form will be required along with your approved Travel Authorization (TA) for international travel after 1/1/2022 on UF business. This is required for all UF employees and is needed even if the UF business travel is complimentary.
  • If you are traveling to a foreign country, you MUST read here to make sure you are fully aware of all requirements for foreign travel.
  • Currency Converter
  • GSA Rates

You will need to submit the following with your TA


  • Travel Expense Report Form (ER) should be submitted at least 10 days after you return from your travel.
  • Per diem is $80 for both domestic and foreign per day instead of the meals and actual lodging.
  • A Travel Expense Report Form (ER) will be required EVEN IF you are not receiving a reimbursement due to everything being paid with PCard.

Steps to Follow:

  • Complete your Travel Expense Report Form (ER). All forms NOT complete will be returned.
  • Principal Investigator or Budget Authority signatures are REQUIRED on your ER (this can be via email or handwritten).
  • Submit all your detailed receipts with your ER (you can look at the Travel Guide to determine if a receipt is required). Meals for Domestic are listed: Breakfast $6, Lunch $11, Dinner $19; Foreign Meals are calculated per this information and this rate table
  • Submit the ER and all supporting documentation to Janice Harris via email at janicemh@ufl.edu.



Personnel Job Actions
Our office needs to receive either an accepted award letter for incoming Graduate Assistants or a Personnel Appointment Form from the respective supervisor / budget authority before any job actions are initiated.

Information for New Employees
Beginning March 2, 2007, all University employees are required to submit a Direct Deposit form before they can receive a paper check from the UF Payroll Services office in Tigert Hall. This is in accordance with UF regulation University rule 6C1-3.0422 which states, “All employees, including temporary hires and non-work study students, are required to participate in the Direct Deposit Program as a condition of employment, regardless of date of hire”. Employees who can demonstrate a hardship or that they have been unable to establish an account at a financial institution may request exemptions from participating in direct deposit. The employee will need to submit a written request, including supporting documentation, explaining the hardship. Once the written request is submitted, the employee will be allowed to receive their paper check. University Payroll Services will make a written determination within 14 days to the employee approving or denying the request. Those employees who are approved for exemption will be allowed to continue to receive a paper check.

For the International Students, you will need to apply for a Social Security Card to be able work at the University. We ask that you arrive early to meet the requirements of the Social Security Administration before applying for a Social Security number before beginning the Fall Term. Please be aware that they require that you reside in the U.S. for a minimum of 10 days before you can apply for a Social Security Card. We recommend that you plan ahead and make the necessary arrangements for this 10 day stay and allow an additional 2 weeks beyond for them to process your request and issue you the card. The Social Security Administration should be able to provide you with a letter stating that you’ve applied for your Social Security Card. This letter does need to include your Social Security number in order for us to initiate the paperwork for Tax Services.

The below link informs of what information will be needed, how long you need to be in the US before applying for a Social Security and other pertinent information: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/10181.html

Without a Social Security number we cannot begin the hiring process and that results in your payroll from being issued in a timely manner. It is very important that you obtain/apply for a Social Security Card.

Please note that all required University personnel forms must be received by our personnel office prior to the first day of employment.

The University of Florida no longer uses the employee’s social security number as a reference for student records and / or job actions. They transitioned to what is called a UF ID number. This is an 8 digit # used to identify who you are at the University and will remain with you during your entire career at UF. This includes academic affairs and human resources. If you have any form of student or personnel history with UF, then you most likely have a UF ID # already assigned. Most of you will know your 8 digit #. If not, then you can contact me with your social security # and date of birth and I can perform a search from UF’s database and provide that # to you. If you do not have a UF ID, then we can establish one for you. We will need your full legal name, social security #, date of birth, and permanent home address.

As an employee at the University of Florida, you are eligible for a GatorLink account. You will be required to set this up because our time reporting is completed on-line via PeopleSoft. Without this account you will not be able to report your time worked. Information pertaining to how to set up a user ID and password are located on the following website.

The University implemented a policy in March 2005 that no longer allows students to forward their GatorLink email to a third party email address (i.e., “earthlink”, “yahoo”) due to security problems and an increase in spam mail. All forms of communication from UF are sent to your GatorLink email address so you will want to check that regularly. You also have the option of forwarding your GatorLink email to your CHE email address. Please remember to provide me with your email address once your account is established so that I can update my contacts and email routing lists.

Please contact the Department’s IT person for security access to the computers located in our Building. You can reach him at help@che.ufl.edu. He will take care of this for you.

You will need to contact UF’s Transportation & Parking Services to purchase a parking decal if you plan to park on campus. Please refer to their website for up to date information at http://www.parking.ufl.edu/.

Reporting a Work-Related Injury
For medical emergencies, call 911 for help or transport the employee to the nearest medical facility. After emergency medical care is secured, contact UFWC at 352-392-4940 to report the incident.

If a non-life threatening on-the-job injury occurs:

  1. The employee should notify a supervisor and then immediately contact the UF Workers’ Compensation Office (UFWC) at (352) 392-4940. UFWC will complete the state required First Report of Injury form for the employee. Injured employees who do not think they require medical care should still contact UFWC to discuss the circumstances of their accident.
  2. If you require medical attention, contact UFWC prior to going for care. UFWC staff will direct you to an authorized medical care provider to treat your injury, thereby insuring that you do not incur any expenses.
    Remember: You must seek treatment only from an authorized medical provider in all cases except an emergency. Please contact UFWC for guidance with this process.
  3. When you arrive at the authorized medical provider’s facility, be prepared to show proof of identification in the form of a UF ID, driver’s license, or other acceptable picture ID.
    Remember: After every medical appointment, you must provide your supervisor and UFWC with medical documentation of your work status. Injury-related absence from work may only be provided by your authorized medical care provider and it can not be provided after the fact.
  4. Contact your supervisor daily or as directed by your supervisor in order to keep him/her informed about your medical progress, on-going treatment, and prognosis for recovery.
    Remember: You must attend all of your scheduled medical appointments. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  5. Read UF’s modified duty statement. When your medical provider releases you to work, regardless of the limitations/restrictions you may have, you must be willing and available to return to the workplace.

Contact UFWC:

  • If you are unable to attend a scheduled medical appointment.
  • For assistance with recording your time and/or leave for doctor appointments, leaves of absence whether paid or unpaid, and/or when you are receiving workers’ compensation salary indemnification benefits.
  • If you have concerns related to your claim, the medical care you are receiving, or the benefits you are receiving.
  • If your work unit does not provide you with modified duty work.

Contact UFWC at: (352) 392-4940 and/or via e-mail at: workcomp@ufl.edu. You may also contact UFWC by dialing 1 -800-955-8771 (TDD).
Remember: Absence from work due to a work-related injury or illness will count toward your Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitlement as set forth in the Act.

Grants: Pre- and Post-award

Contact Nicole Bristow at nhenning@ufl.edu for assistance


The first step is to email the agency guidelines to Nicole Bristow at nhenning@ufl.edu. It is important that you allow our office and the College at least 1 week for preparing your budget and required forms so that we can meet the submission deadlines.

Please complete a Budget Request form and email it to Ricky.
He will create a budget spreadsheet for the proposal and email it to the PI for review and approval.
After the final budget has been approved, Ricky will complete all necessary forms for the proposal. He will obtain the required signatures from the PI(s), Chair, and College. He will enter the data into PeopleSoft for routing and approval as well.

How to Approve Your Proposal in PeopleSoft – Instruction Guide for Approving Proposal


  • DSR-1
  • Commitment Form
  • Disclosure of Financial Conflict of Interest for all NSF, DHHS and American Heart proposals.
  • Checklist for Agreement Negotiation for Clauses Involving Intellectual Property for all Non Federal proposals.
  • And any additional forms the agency requires.


UF Office of Research Resources and Training

Office of Engineering Contacts


National Science Foundation

U.S. Department of Energy


U.S. Army Research Laboratory

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service

Post Award

Post Award Management

Advance Release
In order to request an advance release the “At Risk Advance Form” will have to be completed and we will need something from the agency stating that the proposal has been funded. All documents need to be submitted to Nicole Bristow.

Budget Transfers

Please see the FDP Matrix for what is allowed for federally funded grants.
The PI will need to complete the Budget Transfer Request Form and submit it to Janice Harris for processing.

Requesting a No-cost Extension

The PI will need to schedule an appointment to meet with Janice Harris to discuss the details because each funding agency will have different requirements and steps. She can assist them with the required forms. The Federal Demonstration Projects (FDP) (i.e., NASA, DOE, Army, Navy) require a FDP Change Approval Form to be completed for a no-cost extension. On all other awards the PI will have to obtain permission from the agency and their approval will need to be provided to our office in writing.Other important facts about Prior Approval, Changing the Scope of Work, Release of Additional Funds, Pre-awards, re-budgeting and other important fact about grants is found in the FDP Matrix.


Below is a checklist of items that you will need to complete before the ending date of a grant.

  • Provide the Department’s finance office with a copy of final report.
  • Provide a new project # to distribute active employees to or provide notice of termination to the employee.
  • Submit all p-card receipts and form to Christina Formisano for reconciliation.
  • All goods that are to be paid via a purchase order must be received before the grant ends in order to insure that the invoice is paid timely. Please submit all packing slips and invoices to Claudette Coleman so that we can process and close all open purchase orders. Items not received prior to the grant closing will have to be paid from another source.
  • All receipts for travel must be submitted to Janice Harris so that travel encumbrances are closed and reimbursements properly applied to the project. Receipts not submitted prior to the grant’s ending date will be paid from another source.
  • This will be an opportunity to review expenditures to verify that they are appropriate to your project and to rectify any negative balances. Please contact Sherri McLaren immediately if you find a discrepancy or to report any concerns.
  • Obtain final reports from subcontractors and provide them to Sherri McLaren.

Consultant/Contractual Services on Grants

Typically, a lunch break is minimally 30 minutes long; and your lunch break is set by your supervisor. Employees at the university work a variety of schedules and are permitted varying amounts of time for lunch depending upon their regular working schedule. For example, if you work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, you typically will be scheduled for a one-hour lunch break. If, on the other hand, you work from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, you typically will be provided a half-hour lunch period. Non-exempt employees are encouraged to leave their workstations during their regularly scheduled lunch periods. Non-exempt employees should not begin work before the established starting time nor should they work beyond the established quitting time unless specifically authorized by their supervisors. University of Florida policy prescribes that supervisors be present during their employees’ working hours so that they may verify hours worked.Employees and Academic Personnel who falsify any type of university document, including time-worked cards, applications for leave, etc., shall be subject to dismissal. Consultant payments on sponsored projects must represent compensation to individuals who are independent of the university and who render independent services. Consultant payments may not be made by faculty to colleagues where an employer/employee relationship exists. Rather, in these situations colleagues should be compensated for services via the University personnel/payroll system according to percent effort of committed time; or donate their services as professional courtesy. If overload can be demonstrated for short-term teaching situations, permission must be obtained from the Division of Continuing Education (DOCE).

On the whole, it is expected that consulting needs can be satisfied from resources within the University community. When outside consulting services are needed for a grant or contract, all of these conditions must be met:

  • There must be evidence that the services provided are essential and cannot be provided by persons receiving salary support under the sponsored project.
  • There must be evidence that a selection process was employed to secure the most qualified person available.
  • There must be evidence that the charge is appropriate considering the qualifications of the consultant, normal charges, and the nature of the services rendered.

Cost Accounting Standards (CAS)

In order to comply with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21 and Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), the University of Florida established a policy for charging costs to federally sponsored projects. Unless direct charging can be justified in accordance with OMB Circular A-21, clerical and administrative salaries will be charged indirectly.
With few exceptions, the following items cannot be charged directly to the project:

  • Clerical, secretarial and administrative salaries
  • Data processing/Computer supplies
  • Postage
  • Basic telephone charges
  • Office supplies
  • General software
  • Subscriptions
  • Institutional and individual memberships

The following items are generally considered direct charges:

  • Lab supplies
  • Travel
  • Technical and scientific equipment Animal care and other cost center services
  • Technical software
  • Repair and maintenance charges for equipment purchased
  • Long distance calls related to the project

Exemptions to the University’s CAS policy will be permitted only under the following circumstances:

  1. The above costs may be allowed as direct charges to a grant if the justification document can show how the charging of such costs to the project are for “unlike circumstances”, usually due to a high demand of that item on that project. All such charges must be project-specific.
  2. Clerical and administrative individuals whose salaries are paid from a federally sponsored projects must have responsibilities specifically associated with the work of that sponsored project. The specific association requirement may be satisfied in one of two ways:
    1. Unusually high levels of administrative activity associated with large/ complex projects such as program projects, cooperative agreements, coordinating centers, multi center grants or operations offices. Only in such cases, eligible responsibilities might include coordination of fiscal activities for multiple projects, core units, meetings for steering or advisory committees, pilot project programs, special reporting needs, etc.
    2. Administrative work that is specifically related to the distinctive scientific and technical requirements of the work of the sponsored project, such as data collection, maintaining subject/patient data, phone surveys, etc.
  3. Clerical and administrative salaries must be project-specific, supporting a major project or activity. A major project would include:
    1. Large complex programs such as general clinical research centers, primate centers, engineering research centers and other federally sponsored projects that entail assembling and managing teams of investigators from a large number of institutions.
    2. Projects which involve extensive data accumulation and entry, surveying, tabulation, cataloging and reporting such as epidemiological studies, clinical trials and retrospective clinical records studies.
    3. Projects that require making substantial travel and meeting arrangements for large numbers of program participants.
    4. Projects whose principal focus is the preparation and production of manuals and large reports excluding routine progress and technical reports.
    5. Projects that are geographically inaccessible to normal departmental administrative services (i.e., seagoing research vessels and radio astronomy projects that are remote (not in Alachua County) from campus.

Employment of Relatives on Grants/Contracts

When faculty plan to employ a spouse, child or other close relative on government sponsored projects, the agency must be fully informed about the nature of the relationship and the outstanding qualifications which make the services particularly desirable. Furthermore, under University of Florida policy, no such related person can be employed unless the President or President’s designee has determined prior to the appointment that there is no conflict of interest (6C1-7.40, Florida Administrative Code).

Indirect Cost Return and Use Policy

Florida Statute 1004.22 allows each University within the State University System to retain collected overhead or indirect costs from grants and contracts. These funds are to be used to operate and support the sponsored research program of that particular University. The University of Florida’s policy which effectuates the purpose of this section of statute follows.

Indirect cost return and use policy :

  1. Each year the Office of the Vice President for Research returns a portion of the recovered indirect costs to principal investigators, department chairs, directors of certain authorized centers, if appropriate. If any recovered indirect costs still remain after the allocation of certain central costs and the cost for operating and supporting the sponsored research program, then an additional return is made to the college deans.
  2. The University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) applies this policy to all awards administered through UFRF, except that the college deans’ returns are set at a maximum of 7.5%.
  3. This return of indirect costs generally occurs in the fall of each year and is based upon the indirect costs collected from grants and contracts during the preceding fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). The proportion of indirect costs returned to principal investigators is currently 10% of the collected indirect costs from the principal investigator’s grants and contracts.
  4. All indirect cost funds collected and returned under this policy must, by Statute, be used to support research or sponsored training programs.

Research Misconduct

It is the policy of the University that each individual faculty, staff member and student is expected to maintain high ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of his/her scientific and scholarly research. Faculty, staff, and students have responsibilities for ethical conduct in research not only to the University, but also to the community at large, to the academic community, and to private and public institutions sponsoring the research activities.

Research Misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or reporting the results. It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data. It also does not include authorship or credit disputes.

Should alleged incidents of misconduct in research occur, reporting of such possible violations is a shared responsibility, and it is the duty of the faculty, staff members and students to respond in a fitting manner to resolve issues arising from such alleged misconduct. Such an allegation should be brought to the administrative officer to whom the accused reports (e.g., supervisor, department chair, dean or director). The procedures for reporting misconduct may vary depending on the type, seriousness, and technical nature of the alleged misconduct.

Required Special Approvals

    1. Use of Human Subjects

The University of Florida (UF) seeks to ensure that research conducted under its jurisdiction does not expose persons who participate as subjects or volunteers to unreasonable risks to their health, general well-being or privacy. Specifically, in all research, development and related activities involving the use of human subjects, UF seeks assurance that;

      • the rights and welfare of the individuals involved are adequately protected;
      • the participation of subjects is based on freely given, legally effective, informed consent and;
      • the risk to subjects is minimized; and risks to the subjects are reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result.

Therefore, all non-exempt human subject research must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate UF Institutional Review Board (IRB), described below, before the planned research may begin. In other words you may not conduct any human research without prior IRB approval.
Primary responsibility for safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects in research rests with the investigators and staff who are conducting the research. In addition, faculty and graduate student advisors who assign or supervise research conducted by students, including doctoral and graduate students, are responsible for assuring that all research and dissertation work has been approved by the IRB.

To help ensure that all investigators and research personnel receive a well-rounded education in human subjects protection UF has posted several important sources of information at http://irb.ufl.edu/irb01/education-2/uf-irb-educational-courses.html. In addition, if you are involved in research with human subjects, you MUST complete the required reading at http://irb.ufl.edu/irb01/education-2/uf-irb-educational-courses.html.

  1. Use of Animals

The University of Florida embraces the principles set forth in the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Guide to Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Research Council, 1996), which are as follows:

  • Design and performance of procedures on the basis of relevance to human or animal health, advancement of knowledge, or the good of society.
  • Use of appropriate species, quality, and number of animals.
  • Avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain in concert with sound science.
  • Use of appropriate sedation, analgesia, or anesthesia.
  • Establishment of experimental end points.
  • Provision of appropriate animal husbandry directed and performed by qualified persons.
  • Conduct of experimentation on living animals only by or under the close supervision of qualified and experienced persons.

The full PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals is available online at http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/olaw/references/phspol.htm. In addition, the National Research Council Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996) is available at http://dels.nas.edu/ilar/.

Administrative Responsibilities

Administration of the award is a team effort consisting of the Principal Investigator (PI) and his/her departmental grant/contract administrator, Office of Research, and the University’s appropriate fiscal office (Contracts & Grants, EIES, or IFAS). The PI and the University jointly bear the responsibility for proper administration according to the policies and guidelines pertinent to the particular project. The Award Administration office assists in the clarification of regulations.

Responsibilities of the Principal Investigator

  • The principal investigator (PI) is responsible for project implementation, assembling the necessary staff, expending the funds, and conducting the project as described in the proposal and agreed to by means of the award notification.
  • The PI must direct the work so that it will be completed within the budget period and with the funds authorized; otherwise, a request for supplemental funds or a no-cost time extension must be initiated. Although there is similarity among the regulations of major funding agencies, researchers should familiarize themselves thoroughly with the regulations applicable to their specific project.
  • The PI may authorize changes when they are in compliance with the agency’s cost principles, as well as the State of Florida’s fiscal regulations, and if the goods or services are directly related to the sponsored project. Salaries and wages may be authorized by the investigator only if they are in accordance with Cost Accounting Standards.
  • Principal investigators have first line responsibility for managing expenditures within the fiscal regulations and amounts specified by the sponsor. While the accounting units on campus are responsible for billing the sponsor per the funding terms, the principal investigator must carefully analyze the monthly departmental ledger (DL) and voucher registers (which are used to develop those billings) to see that all items presented are correct and that appropriate funds (cash and budget authority) are available. The investigator also has the responsibility of initiating or coordinating appropriate adjustments as each situation dictates.

Responsibilities of the University Fiscal Offices

The fiscal offices at the University of Florida utilize the State Automated Management Accounting System (SAMAS), which is a uniform accounting system that includes basic controls as well as accounting reports that assist faculty and their staff in managing grants and contracts. The University accounting system is under the jurisdiction of the Division of Finance & Accounting.
Questions or inquiries concerning accounting should be addressed to the Office of Contracts & Grants (302 Tigert, 392-1235), the EIES Contracts & Grants Accounting Office (545 Weil, 392-6626) or the IFAS Contracts & Grants Accounting Office (2029 McCarty, 392-1735). Check with your particular accounting office for the services they provide. In general, your accounting office may help with:

  • Establishing accounts and releasing initial budget amounts
  • Budget transactions such as category conversions
  • Cash management such as draw down on Letters of Credit
  • Invoicing agencies to collect funds
  • Submission of required financial reports
  • Monitoring and advice on Cost Accounting Standards
  • Approval of purchase requisitions, change orders, travel authorizations, etc.
  • Approval of cost transfers before they are sent to Payroll
  • Depositing checks
  • Fiscal aspects of project closeout

Keep in mind that requisitions for equipment, travel or supplies submitted near the end of the project period will most likely be disapproved.

Participant Support Costs

Some agencies include a budgeting category called participant support costs. This category is normally used only for conference proposals or training proposals and not used in research proposals for general travel to conferences or to bring collaborators together to meet and discuss the project, unless specifically allowed by agency written instructions.
Funds provided for participant support may not be used by grantees for other categories of expense without the specific prior written approval of the sponsoring agency. Therefore, UF will establish a separate project to separately account for participant support costs.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) does not allow participant support costs to be included in the calculation of F&A costs. This is an NSF rule and not a general rule for all participant support costs. Check your sponsor’s guidelines before excluding participant support cost from indirect calaculations.
If you receive Participant Support Costs from the NSF the following rules apply:

  1. Participant support costs are direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with meetings, conferences, symposia or training projects.
  2. Funds provided for participant support may not be used by grantees for other categories of expense without the specific prior written approval of the cognizant NSF Program Officer. Therefore, awardee organizations must account for participant support costs separately.
  3. Participant support allowances may not be paid to trainees who are receiving compensation, either directly or indirectly, from other Federal government sources while participating in the project. A non-NSF Federal employee may receive participant support allowances from grant funds provided there is no duplication of funding of items and provided no single item of participant cost is divided between his/her parent agency and NSF grant funds.

Payments to Research Participants

The Directive and Procedure relating to payments made to research participants has been released and is located at the following website:

Time and Effort Reporting

Under federal regulations OMB Circular A-21, Section J(8), the University is obligated to document and maintain detailed records of time and effort spent by faculty and staff on activities such as instruction, organized research, departmental research, extension, public service, administration, and so forth. Each academic term, departments electronically report non-academic and academic activity. These reports are used to verify the allowableness of charges to contracts or grants and become part of the basis used to develop the University’s indirect cost proposal.

Documentation of time and effort activity is required on all contracts and grants regardless of the source of funding and on all other activities that would have an impact on indirect costs. The University must be ready to provide sufficient detail concerning these activities to allow a reviewer to determine whether the work performed benefited sponsored projects. Faculty are reminded to take these reporting duties very seriously.

University Official Signature

Some sponsors require that final reports be signed by an Authorizing Official of the University. In these cases, the report should be sent to your appropriate DSR representative in OER to obtain signature and submission to the sponsor, if requested.