Recent Courses Taught at the University of Florida


ECH4714 – Chemical Process Safety. Laboratory and process safety analysis with emphasis on prevention and mitigation. Application of chemical engineering principles to assessing hazards and risk. Last taught: Fall 2023

ECH3203 – Fluid and Solid Operations. Characteristics of laminar and turbulent flow, mechanical energy balance, flow through packed beds and fluidization of solids, design of pumping systems and piping networks and metering of fluids. Last taught: Fall 2016


ECH6709 – Electrochemical Engineering. Electrochemical phenomena and processes are covered from an engineering perspective. This course introduces electrochemical engineering as an extension to the fields of transport phenomena, thermodynamics, reaction and design that encompass Chemical Engineering. Last taught: Fall 2017

ECH6851 – Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Impedance spectroscopy represents the confluence of a significant number of disciplines, and successful training in the use and interpretation of impedance requires a coherent education in the application of each of these disciplines to the subject. In addition to learning about impedance spectroscopy, the student will gain a better understanding of a general philosophy of scientific inquiry. Last taught: Spring 2024

ECH6937 – Managing Safety in the Chemical Industry. The objective of this course is to build an understanding of how chemical engineering science and principles may be used to recognize and mitigate hazards in the chemical process industry. The lectures are based partly on a textbook that is a standard for chemical process safety education. Other material will be drawn from incident investigations published by the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) and the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB). The class will also draw on computer program resources provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Guest speakers will provide valuable perspective on safety in industry. The course will also encourage completion of safety certification administered by Safety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE). These certificates serve to complement the content of the course and to enhance the students’ resumes. Last taught: Spring 2023