Orazem Group Members

Photo taken by Yinhao Jia on April 15, 2024
Left to Right. Daniel Avalos (UG), Danielle Loftis (PhD), Yunhan Chuai (PhD), Cynthia Ezeh (PhD), Bernard Biney (PhD), Mark Orazem (PI), Sophia Carvalho (UG), Henry Lutz (MS), Brooke Erickson (UG)
Missing: Luka Vukomanovic (UG), Kelsey Sinclair (PhD)

Doctoral Students

Bernard W. Biney

Topic: Electrochemical Models for Deep-Brain Stimulation
Sponsor: NIH
MS 2022, Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China
BSc 2018, Petrochemical Engineering, College of Engineering (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana.Work Experience
2018-2019: Société Générale – Global Transaction Banking Intern
2017: Tullow Oil Plc – Project Management and Engineering Intern
Fun fact: I enjoy playing tennis, watching thrillers, and cooking new recipes.

Yunhan Chuai

Topic: COMSOL finite-element model of copper corrosion in nuclear waste repositories.
Sponsor: NWMO, Canada
BS 2020 Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing, China,
MS 2022 Chemical Engineering, University of Florida.
Fun fact: Love reading, music, playing table tennis, and keeping pets

Cynthia Ezeh

Topic: Electrochemical Models for Deep-Brain Stimulation
Sponsor: NIH
B Eng. 2017, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering. Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria.
Work experience
2019-2021: Feddo Group – Subsea and Pipeline Engineer and Technology Development Lead.
Fun Fact: I love touring  and learning new things.

Danielle Loftis
Topic: Dielectric Spectroscopy (co-advised with Joshua Moon)

Masters Students

Henry Lutz

Undergraduate Students

Daniel Avalos

Sophia de Almeida e C. Cunha Carvalho
Brooke Erickson


Expected Graduation: Spring 2024
Major: Chemical Engineering
Fun Fact: I enjoy playing the violin in my free time.

Luka Vukomanovic
