Research Interests: Wide- and ultrawide-bandgap semiconductor materials/devices, process integration and thermal management.
Research Interests: Dynamics of Complex Fluids, Suspension and Multiphase Fluid Mechanics, Microfluidic Flows, Rheology
Research Interests: Electrochemical Engineering of Materials for Energy Conversion & Storage, Electro- and Photocatalysis, and Electronics
Ph.D., 2017, Cornell University
Research Interests: Complex Fluid Dynamics, Colloid and Interface Science, Electrokinetics, and Rheology
Research Interests: Protein Therapeutics, Synthetic Biology, Biocatalysis, Bioengineering
Ph.D., 1992, University of Minnesota
Research Interests: Cellular Engineering, Cell Adhesion, Cell Migration, Molecular Motors, Mathematical Biology
Ph.D., 2017, Michigan Technological University
Unit Operations
Research Interests: Heterogeneous Catalysis, Atomic Layer Deposition, Nanoparticle Oxides, Surface Characterizations
Research Interests: Bioengineering, Gene Editing, CRISPR/Cas, Nucleic acids and Protein Engineering, Nanomaterials, Responsive Systems
Research Interests: Self-Assembly, Colloid and Surface Science, Functional Coating, Polymer Engineering, Biomaterials, Recombinant Proteins
Research Interests: Nanomaterials, Nanophotonics, Photonic Crystals, Self-assembly
Ph.D., 2002, University of Notre Dame
Research Interests: Molecular and Multi-scale Modeling, Nanoscale Transport Phenomena, Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Research Interests: Numerical Simulations of Complex Fluids: Reactive Flows in Porous Media, Hydrodynamic Interactions, Dynamics of Filament Networks
Ph.D., 2018, Chemical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
Research Interests: Engineering Education, Underrepresented minorities, Unit Operations, Bioprocess/Biochemical Engineering, Engineering communication skills, Biomedical Engineering, Nanomedicine
Research Interests: Polymer membranes, Multi-component separations, Mass transport in polymers, Soft material design and characterization
Ph.D., 1978, Illinois Institute of Technology (1981)
Research Interests: Interfacial instabilities, Transport phenomena with life support, materials science and biomedical applications
Research Interests: Electrochemical Engineering: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Corrosion (including cathodic protection), Current Distribution in Electrochemical Systems, Fuel Cells, Mathematical Modeling.
Ph.D., 2016, Chemical Engineering, The Ohio State University
Research Interests: Supercritical fluids, Adsorption, Nano-porous solids, Neutron Scattering, Photolithography and Design of Experiments.
Research Interests: Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Research Interests: Sustainability, Process Synthesis, Optimization, Energy Efficient Separations (membranes and adsorption)
Research Interests: Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles; fundamental fluid physics of suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles; magnetic nanoparticle synthesis and functionalization; suspension hydrodynamics and rheology.
Ph.D. 2018, The Ohio State University
Research Interests: Polymer Membranes, Polymer-Protein Conjugates, Self-Assembly, Computational Materials Design
Research Interests: biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, transport in biomaterials
Ph.D., 1981, University of Minnesota (1982)
Research Interests: Bioprocess Engineering, Process Modeling, Optimization, and Control, Machine Learning
Ph.D., 2018, Chemical Engineering, University of Florida
Research Interests: Engineering Education, Active Learning, Teamwork Dynamics, Graduate Student Research Methods, Life-long Learning, Material and Energy Balances, Separations
Research Interests: Translational Dynamics in Biomembranes, Transport in Porous Materials with Hierarchy of Pore sizes, Transport-optimized Catalysis and Separations
Research Interests: Gas-surface Reactivity and Dynamics, Atomic and Molecular Beam Methods, Surface Spectroscopy
Research Interests: Nanomaterial synthesis, dispersion, and separation, Transport at nanoscale interfaces
Ph.D., 1979, University of California-Berkeley
Research Interests: Electronic materials processing, Thermochemistry and phase diagrams, Chemical vapor deposition and bulk crystal growth, Photovoltaics
Ph.D., 1964, Carnegie Mellon University
Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics
Ph.D., 1965, Columbia University (1970)
Research Interests: Interfacial phenomena in engineering and biomedical systems, Molecular association in micelles, liquid crystals and microemulsions, Nanoparticles for superconductors and magnetic materials, Enzymic reactions at interfaces
Research interests: Cell population heterogeneity, ecological and evolutionary dynamics of bacteria, metabolism, maximum entropy methods.
Research Interests: Engineering education, Underrepresented minorities, Unconscious biases in teams, Professional development for industry/academia, Curriculum, Instructional design, Online education, Product/process design, Process simulation, LCA, Environmental remediation
Research Interests: Hidden curriculum in engineering, mentoring of minoritized students and faculty in science and engineering, and study of motivation and learning pathways in science and engineering education using mixed- and multi-modal tools (biological and physiological).
Research Interests: Radiochemistry, Nuclear Wastes, Nuclear Forensics, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Environmental Behavior of Radionuclides
Research Interests: CNS Cancer, Cell and Gene Therapy, Drug delivery, Immuno-Oncology, Immunotherapy, Nanomedicine, Neuroinflammation