Contributions to Science

Our research focuses on the behavior and biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles in time-varying magnetic fields. We are interested in biomedical applications of these materials, such as magnetic particle imaging and nanoscale thermal therapy. We aim to synthesize high-quality nanoparticles with defined size and predictable magnetic properties and with coatings that render them biocompatible, stable, and mobile in biological environments. We apply a suite of physicochemical and magnetic techniques to characterize these particles and evaluate their suitability for biomedical applications. Our group is actively pursuing applications of these nanoparticles in cancer imaging and treatment and in regenerative medicine. We also aim to characterize and understand the transport properties of nanoparticles in complex biological environments, which underpins many of their biomedical applications. Below are links to summaries and selected publications in some of the areas where our group has made significant contributions.

    Our research has been generously supported by several organizations and funding agencies, including: